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King Air 90 & 100 Differences for 200 Recurrent Training

King Air 90 & 100 Differences for 200 Recurrent
Pilot Training (3 day course)

In our King Air 90 & 100 Differences for 200 Recurrent course, you’ll review aircraft systems, limitations, performance, and procedures, as well as weather, high altitude physiology, FAR/AIMs, CRM and Aeronautical Decision Making.  The King Air 90 differences for 200 recurrent course is based on our King Air 200 course with differences training to the 90 model series.  We cover each of the 90 and 100 variants, the F-90 and 100 series aircraft are covered in separate modules (because we think it’s different enough to cover individually). In the simulator you’ll practice cockpit procedures and aircraft handling while training for normal, abnormal and emergency situations. This King Air 90 Differences for 200 Recurrent Course is insurance approved.

Completing the approved B200 initial or recurrent courses, pilots are able to receive the following endorsements:

FARs Satisfied
61.56 Flight Review   Private, Commercial or ATP
61.57 (a) Landing Recency   Instrument Rating
61.57 (b) Night Landing Recency   Multi-engine
61.57 (c) Instrument Recency King Air PIC experience
61.57 (d) IPC (if requested)